Saturday, July 18, 2015

COURAGE: Something You Should Have!

When I was younger, I wasn't too reluctant to try just about anything. That is because my father was mostly there to back me up. There's that certain faith in me like how a child usually is when they trust someone older. For some reason, I often thought like my parents or older siblings would always have my back. I was the youngest in the family and everyone was a bit protective at the same time motivating me to be better. I did jump off a bridge one time, even though I did not know how to swim, without a lifejacket or anything that'll help me float. What I had was faith, faith that my father would rescue me and would never let me drown. I jumped and just as he promised, he was there grabbing my hand when I was already underwater. That's when i thought, swimming is more fun when you actually know how to swim. That's when I had the courage to learn how to swim and that was that jump that led me to love the sea and that jump provided me with the confidence to take on a couple of diving sesh and made me realize that i can if i have the courage to try.

I have this huge fear of height. I know its a bit ironic that I jumped off a bridge knowing I could not swim and I had fear of heights. haha. One summer my friends from my previous job planned this ziplining thing and I was a bit excited that I might finally be able to conquer my fear. But when it was time for me to do it, I was too scared, I was pale, my hands were shaking and was really cold. I was too hesitant and was even just sitting at the corner of that high platform and was asking myself too many times, why on earth I was doing something crazy like it. Just when I finally had that courage to stand and have myself strapped, the guy told me that half of my body had to be out of that little gate before they would finally release. God I could vividly remember how I screamed to my lungs content. haha... My scream was worse than that of a pig that's about to be slaughtered. I was screaming hard but i decided to open my eyes, then I saw how beautiful the view was, but I was still screaming while appreciating. Lol. That day I realized, It wasn't so bad after all. I saw that view that one could only appreciate up there. My tiny courage to conquer my fear of height gave me that experience that's one for the book.

Everybody had their very own story to tell about what courage made them realize, we have too many things actually. Courage had somewhat gave us too many things that's either beneficial or not. One way or another courage had always played a role in most things we do or decisions we make.

Today I was thinking of too many "what ifs", too many that I know if I had done this or that, things would be totally different. Then I came up to that realization that if I had more courage in my system, things could have been different. I'm not too sure how it'll end up but that's the beauty of life. You learn from whatever experience you get coz you made courage play its role. I am where I am because of the chances I took and those I chose to not take. I am currently in a situation I'm in because I had the courage to do things and so is fear to do a lot of things. 

Sometimes, those who succeed are those who had more courage in their system and take a leap instead of just being on safer grounds. You'll never know where you'll end up unless you take the chance to do things. You'll never know what life had to offer, if you decide to stay safe. You'll never have that story to tell if you did not even take a step to begin the journey to that first part of your story. 

I am twenty seven years old, I don't know what more life has to offer but I have a lot of "what ifs" already at a young age. I know I was groomed to have enough courage to face life but there are times when you have to chicken out. I know everyone has the same dilemma and the same thought every once in a while. The thought of "what if I did this?" or "what if I did that?'' or the "if only". My take though is that the world is not about to end and its not too late. You often have the chance to make up for your lost chance. I always believe on the positive note that things will come your way if you act on it. This is when I say a little courage would go a long way. A "little" courage goes a long way so you better stack em up in where you can store much of them.Courage is one thing you should always have because its basically that thing that's somehow connected to almost everything. Its somewhat related to how you decide on things. It makes you take chance, it makes you do crazy, stupid things, it helps you chose which way to go, it make you decide on which things to give a try. The best thing I've learned about having courage is that it gives you reason to live and makes you realize that it plays the biggest role in your stories to tell as well as to experiences that you considered one for the book. :)

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