Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Mistakes and Life

Mistakes - they say is part of life. Not one person I know can tell anyone that they haven't done a single mistake in their lifetime. I've made loads of it. I'm turning 29 in a couple of days and I don't know the number of mistakes I've ever done. The beauty of making mistakes is learning from them. Through mistakes you learn, through mistakes you live. Ever heard of people committing the same mistake over and over again? I'd bet you did and I'm guilty for being one. That may have been the inspiration behind the saying "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" But do we really learn from a single mistake? Is a single mistake ever enough to make you say no to doing it again? I am guilty of committing the same mistake over and over again. The mistake of believing that people can learn from their mistakes is too common. The world is a cruel place to live, It will lead you to commit the same mistake over and over till you learn your lesson the hard way. The wrong thing in making a mistake is when even the people around you gets affected by the stupidity you continuously choose to do. Why would you make mistakes for yourself and make people around you suffer the effects of your stupidity? Why would you subject people to the pain that you alone are entitled to? Why would you let people make your problem their problem? You commit mistakes and you learn from them, you live with the consequences of your action, you deal with problem that it cause, you suffer the effects. Sometimes, we subject ourselves to the pain created by the stupid mistakes others commit because of love, because of pity and because of loyalty or maybe because of some other things. For some reason we hold on the that feeling that saving someone from the effects of the mistakes he made is our way of helping him. But is it really? Aren't we just tolerating their stupidity? Aren't we leading them to commit the same mistake if they feel like we will be there to back them up? Aren't we teaching them to be dependent? Are we making them forget that in every action their should be a corresponding reaction? Aren't we leading them to believe that its ok to make mistakes and turn your back from its effects? You, have you been committing a mistake that keeps on hurting the people who you say matter to you? Or do they really matter? Because personally, I think if you love someone or some people, you won't subject them to the effects of your mistake. You will learn from a single mistake and move forward and try your very best to not let the mistake you made get in the way of your loved ones' happiness. Because if you love the people around you, you will never do something to hurt them. Mistakes will always be part of life, at least learn to face the consequences of your action and learn from every mistake. It makes life more interesting.